[ Browse by Service Category : Education : Sub-Topics of Educational Programs (72) ]
Adult Education
Programs, usually offered by community adult schools or evening classes at local high schools, that provide instruction in fundamental learning skills for adults who have never attended school or have interrupted formal schooling and need to raise their level of education to increase their self-confidence and/or prepare for an occupation. Emphasis is placed on basic reading, language and mathematics.
Dropout Programs
Programs that provide educational services for students who have been suspended or expelled from school or have left school for other reasons prior to receiving a diploma; or which seek to prevent students of compulsory school age from skipping classes, being suspended or expelled for disruptive behaviour, failing or maintaining a low grade point average, or dropping out of school.
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Gifted Education
Programs that provide special educational opportunities including accelerated promotion through grades and classes and an enriched curriculum for students who are endowed with a high degree of mental ability or who demonstrate unusual physical coordination or creativity and talent in the visual or performing arts.
Independent Study
Programs that provide opportunities for students to initiate courses of individual study which are usually directed or assisted by instructional staff and certificates or degrees may be awarded upon successful completion.
International Baccalaureate Programs
An international curriculum at primary, middle and, most commonly, secondary school levels that enables students who complete the entire course of study to earn an IB diploma which meets university entrance qualifications throughout the world. The IB Diploma Program is used to set students at an international standard level; and many colleges recognize participation in (and the passing of) IB examinations as college credits. The program is offered in public and private institutions in more than 130 countries.
Literacy Programs
Programs that provide instruction in reading, writing and comprehension for individuals of all ages who are unable to read or write at a functional level. Some programs may include basic training in speaking, numeracy/mathematics and problem solving skills, so that trainees can become self sufficient and function well in society.
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Remedial Education
Programs that are designed to develop specific cognitive skills, usually in the language arts and mathematics, from a deficient level to one that is appropriate to the educational level and aspirations of a particular student. Diagnostic testing to determine the nature and extent of the problem may also be included.
Special Education
Programs that provide educational services including special placement and individualized programming, instruction and/or support services for exceptional children, youth and/or adults, including those who have hearing impairments, visual impairments, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities or speech or language impairments and who need appropriately modified curricula, teaching methodologies and instructional materials in order to learn. Services may include the development, in partnership with the child's parents, of an individualized educational plan to meet the child's needs and the implementation and review at least annually of each child's plan to determine progress and future needs.
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Summer School Programs
A program of instruction offered during the summer by a school, college or university which enables students to accelerate their progress toward a degree or diploma or to make up credits lost through absence or failure.
Vocational Education
Secondary or postsecondary education programs available in regular or trade high schools or through separate vocational centres or programs that provide formal preparation for semiskilled, skilled, technical or professional occupations for high-school-aged students and, in some cases, adults who have opted to develop or expand their employment opportunities, often in lieu of preparing for college entry. Vocational education programs help participants prepare for full-time employment upon graduation, part-time employment while in school or for more advanced vocational training at the postsecondary level.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.