How to Find - Employment, Apprenticeship, Training and Literacy Programs

Site: Halton Region

Record #: BTN4999
Last Modified: 30 May 2024
Last Full Update: 15 Feb 2024

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For full directory of "How to" listings on different topics, see here

Site Information

Located In Community Halton Region
Physical Access Unknown - each location varies, call for details

Description and Service Details

Description (Service)

Overview of programs ranging from basic education and literacy to workforce preparation, career training and job search assistance programs, and directs to other related listings in this directory 
Reading, writing, speaking, communication, computation and/or problem solving skills:

  • for adults who cannot read or write at a functional level) see Adult Literacy Programs here
  • to strengthen functional skills in these areas see Adult Basic Education programs here


Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)

  • to complete at locations in Halton, see here


Prevocational Training (for people with disabilities, including mental health issues)  
Instruction and/or counselling to develop:

  • physical and emotional tolerance for work demands and pressures
  • personal-social behaviours
  • basic manual, academic and communications skills needed to acquire basic job skills
  • see Prevocational Training programs here

Career Awareness and Counselling

  • Career Awareness (provides information and data about various industries and professions): see here
  • Career Counselling (provides information and guidance in evaluating aptitude, abilities and interests, to choose a vocation or career and select the type of training): see here

Vocational Assessment 
Tests skills, abilities, interests, personality traits and other attributes for success in different occupational areas or specific positions

  • may include programs that allow people to try out jobs for short periods of time to see if there's a 'fit' and, for people with disabilities, determine what supports might be needed to succeed if hired
  • for programs see here

Job Training

  • Vocational Education, see here 
  • On the Job Training, see here
  • Computer and Related Technology Classes, see here

Work Experience/Internship Programs

  • Work Experience Programs, see here
  • Internship Programs, see here


  • Apprenticeship Preparation, see here
  • Apprenticeship training, see here

Job training expense assistance  
Financial assistance or loans to help people pay for tuition, books, living expenses, transportation, disability supports, assistance in caring for dependents etc.

  • for programs see here


Pre-job Guidance 
Provides skills in preparing a resume, job application letters/questionnaires, answering job ads and taking employment tests, tips on appropriate dress, personal appearance and interview techniques, etc.)

  • for programs see here

Comprehensive Job Assistance Centres 
One-stop centres that may include job counselling, testing and assessment, pre-job guidance, job matching and referral, labour market and career information, information on financial aid for education and training, and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counselling, etc.

  • for programs see here

Specialized Job Assistance Centres: 
Disability-related programs: 

  • Comprehensive Disability-related Programs, see here
  • Supported Employment (job coach works side-by-side with client in workplace), see here 
  • Centre-based Employment (separate and supported work centres for those with disabilities), see here

Ex-offender Employment Programs, see here 
Immigrant/refugee Employment Programs, see here 
Indigenous Employment Programs, see here 
Summer Employment Programs, see here 
Vocational Rehabilitation (for people with disabilities, emotional problems or history of substance abuse), see here 
Youth Employment Programs, see here


Contact organization for information

Areas Served Halton Region
Eligibility See each program above

See each program above

Languages English
Fees See each program above

Agency Overview

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