 | 988 Suicide Crisis Helpline | Ontario |
 | AbleLiving Services, Burlington - Bethany Residence, Supportive Housing | Burlington |
 | Aboriginal Legal Services | Toronto |
| ABRAR Trauma and Mental Health, ABRAR Trauma and Mental Health Services | |
 | ADAPT Halton, Oakville - Head Office, Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Assessment, Prevention and Treatment Services | Oakville |
| ADAPT Halton, Community Justice Programs | Halton Region |
| ADAPT Halton, Community Withdrawal Management Services | Halton Region |
| ADAPT Halton, Concurrent Disorders Programs | Halton Region |
| ADAPT Halton, Problem Gambling & Behavioural Addictions Services | Halton Region |
| ADAPT Halton, Youth Programs | Halton Region |
 | Al-Anon Family Groups, Halton Hills and Milton, Al-Anon and Alateen Meetings | Halton Hills |
 | Al-Anon Family Groups, Hamilton / Burlington, Al-Anon / Alateen Meetings | Burlington |
 | Al-Anon Family Groups, Oakville, Al-Anon / Alateen Meetings | Oakville |
 | Alcoholics Anonymous, Oakville - Halton District Office, Halton Area Meetings | Halton Region |
 | Alcoholics Anonymous, North Halton / Erin District, Erin and Area Meetings | Erin |
 | Alcoholics Anonymous (GTA), Find an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting - Greater Toronto Area Intergroup | Ontario |
 | Alcoholics Anonymous Hamilton, Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings | Hamilton (City of) |
 | Anonymous Friend, Youth Peer to Peer Mental Health Support | Oakville |
 | Associated Youth Services of Peel, Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Bartimaeus | Burlington |
 | Black Youth Helpline | North York |
 | Black Youth Helpline, Stay-in-School Initiatives | North York |
 | Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf, PAH! | Milton |
 | Body Brave, Body Brave Services | Hamilton |
| breakingfreeonline | Ontario |
 | Bullying Canada | Brampton |
 | Canadian Cancer Society - Ontario Division, Smokers' Helpline | Toronto Downtown North |
 | Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, Ottawa | Ottawa |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Region Branch Head Office - Oakville, Mental Health Services | Oakville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Region Branch - Milton Office, Mental Health Services | Milton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Education and Training | Oakville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Mobile Outreach Team - COAST | Oakville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region and South Simcoe, CMHA Vaughan, BounceBack Ontario | Vaughan |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH Support Resources and Information Services | Toronto |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Addiction Medicine Services and Specialized Clinics | Toronto |
 | Certified Listeners Society | Burlington |
 | Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI) | London |
 | Cocaine Anonymous | Toronto Downtown Central |
| ConnexOntario, Helpline | London |
| ConnexOntario, mindyourmind | London |
 | Debtors Anonymous, Oakville - Mailing Address | Oakville |
 | Distress and Crisis Ontario | Waterloo |
 | Distress Centre Halton | Oakville |
 | EFry Hope and Help for Women, Mississauga, Mississauga Office | Mississauga |
 | eMentalHealth.ca | Ottawa |
 | Equilibrium, Oakville, Mood Disorder Support Group | Oakville |
 | Families for Addiction Recovery, Peer Support Services | Toronto |
 | First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Helpline, Mental Health Helpline and On-line Chat Counselling Services | Ontario |
 | Friendship Bench (The) | Oakville |
 | Gamblers Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Toronto | Vaughan |
 | Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services, Ohsweken - Chiefswood Rd, Community Counselling | Ohsweken |
 | Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services, Ohsweken - Sunrise Crt, Youth Lodge | Ohsweken |
 | Good2Talk, Telephone and Virtual Service | Toronto |
 | Goodwill, The Amity Group, Burlington - Upper Middle Road, Goodwill Career Centre - Ontario Disability Support Program Employment Supports | Burlington |
 | Halton & Mississauga RAAM Clinic, Oakville - Head Office, Addiction Medicine Clinic | Oakville |
 | Halton & Mississauga RAAM Clinic, Burlington, Addiction Medicine Clinic | Burlington |
 | Halton & Mississauga RAAM Clinic, Georgetown, Addiction Medicine Clinic | Georgetown |
 | Halton & Mississauga RAAM Clinic, Milton, Addiction Medicine Clinic | Milton |
 | Halton & Mississauga RAAM Clinic, Oakville - 1525 Cornwall Rd, Addiction Medicine Clinic | Oakville |
 | Halton & Mississauga RAAM Clinic, Oakville - Kerr St, Addiction Medicine Clinic | Oakville |
 | Halton Black Voices | Halton Region |
 | Halton Healthcare, Acton, North Halton Mental Health Clinic | Acton |
 | Halton Healthcare, Georgetown, North Halton Mental Health Clinic | Georgetown |
 | Halton Healthcare, Milton, North Halton Mental Health Clinic | Milton |
 | Halton Healthcare, Mississauga Halton Central Intake Program - one-Link - Addictions and Mental Health Services Referral | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Child and Adolescent Services | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Child and Adolescent Clinic | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Program | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Community Case Management | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Early Intervention in Psychosis Program | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Integrated Addiction Medicine Clinic | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Navigator Program | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Outpatient Psychotherapy Services | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Outpatient Services | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Psychotherapy Services | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health - Recovery Through Education of Adolescent and Children in Halton (REACH) | Oakville |
 | Halton Healthcare, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mental Health Day Program | Oakville |
 | Halton Regional Police Service, Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team | Halton Region |
 | Halton Regional Police Service, Victim Quick Response Program+ | Oakville |
 | Halton Regional Police Service, Victim Services Unit | Oakville |
 | Halton Regional Police Service, Halton Youth Justice Program | Oakville |
 | Halton Suicide Prevention Coalition, BeSafe App | Halton Region |
| Halton. Halton Region Public Health, Stop Smoking Clinics | Halton Region |
 | Homewood Health Centre | Guelph |
 | Hope Bible Church Oakville, Recovery Group | Oakville |
 | Hope Place Centres, Men's Residential Addiction Treatment | Hornby |
 | Hope Place Centres, Community Based Addiction Treatment | Halton Hills |
 | Hope Place Centres, Women's Residential Addiction Treatment | Halton Hills |
 | Horizons Opioid Treatment Service, Methadone and Suboxone Clinic | Burlington |
 | Hospital for Sick Children, Adolescent Medicine | Toronto |
| How to Find - Crisis and Distress Services, Halton Region | Halton Region |
| How to Find - Employment, Apprenticeship, Training and Literacy Programs, Halton Region | Halton Region |
 | How to Find - Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Crisis Services, Halton Region | Halton Region |
 | Institute for Advancements in Mental Health, Toronto Provincial Office | Toronto |
 | Interligne | Québec |
 | Jack.org, Halton Chapters | Halton Region |
 | Jack.org, BeThere.org - Online Mental Health Supports | Toronto |
 | John Howard Society of Peel, Halton and Dufferin, Community Services | Milton |
 | Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlington - Joseph Brant Community Health Centre, Mental Health Services | Burlington |
 | Kids Help Phone, Crisis Text Line | Toronto |
 | Kids Help Phone, Group Wellness Programs | Toronto |
 | Kids Help Phone | Toronto |
 | Kinark Child and Family Services, Syl Apps Youth Centre | Oakville |
 | Mental Health Mutual-Aid Hub Canada, Mandarin Hotline and Mental Health Support | Toronto |
 | Métis Nation of Ontario, Brampton | Brampton |
 | Millhouse Resthome, Halton Hills, Group Home | Halton Hills |
 | Millhouse Resthome, Acton, Group Home | Acton |
 | Milton Life Care, Addiction Services | Milton |
 | Mood Disorders Association of Ontario, Peer Supports and Services (Toronto) | Toronto |
 | Nar-Anon Family Groups, Halton Meetings | Halton Region |
 | Narcotics Anonymous | Halton Region |
 | Naseeha Mental Health, Mississauga - McAdam Road Office, Peer Counselling and Information | Mississauga |
| National Eating Disorder Information Centre | Toronto Downtown Central |
 | National Initiative for Eating Disorders, Education and Support Services | Toronto |
 | Native Horizons Treatment Centre | New Credit |
 | One Stop Talk | Ontario |
 | Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres, Methadone Maintenance Treatment | Oakville |
| Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Guardian Network (The) - Suicide Prevention Program | Ontario |
 | Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Burlington - Itabashi Way, Ontario Disability Support Program | Burlington |
 | Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Burlington - Fairview St, Youth Justice Services | Burlington |
| Ontario. Ministry of Health, Smoking Cessation Program | Toronto Downtown Central |
 | Outward Bound Canada, Toronto, Charitable Programs | Toronto |
 | Overeaters Anonymous, Oakville / Burlington Area Meetings | Burlington |
 | PACT for Halton | Burlington |
 | Parkside Rest Home, Group home | Acton |
 | PCHS, PCHS Brampton | Brampton |
 | PCHS, PCHS Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Phoenix Medical Centre | Clarkson |
 | Postpartum Support International, Greater Toronto Chapter, Postpartum Mood Disorder Services | Toronto |
 | Re:Soul Youth Centre, Milton | Milton |
 | Re-Imagine Ontario, Community Support Services for Vulnerable Youth and Seniors | Oakville |
 | Renascent, Toronto - Wright Centre | Toronto |
 | Rise, Toronto | Toronto |
 | ROCK, Burlington - Head Office, Community Mental Health Services | Burlington |
 | ROCK, Burlington - Aberdeen House, Live-in Treatment | Burlington |
 | ROCK, Access and System Navigation | Halton Region |
 | ROCK, Danielle's Place - Eating Disorder Support and Resource Centre | Burlington |
 | ROCK, Halton Coordinated Service Planning | Burlington |
| ROCK, Group Based Mental Health Services | Halton Region |
| ROCK, Individualized Mental Health Services | Halton Region |
 | Salvation Army Ontario Division, Crisis / Hope Line | Hamilton |
 | Sheridan College, Sheridan Student Union - Student Services | Oakville |
 | St Christopher's Anglican Church, Open Doors @ St Christophers | Burlington |
 | St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, Men's Addiction Service Hamilton (MASH) | Hamilton |
 | St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, Womankind Addiction Service | Hamilton |
| Stride, Employment Peer Mentor Program | Halton Region |
| Stride, Supported Employment | Halton Region |
 | Summit Housing & Outreach Programs, Oakville, Supportive Housing & Outreach Programs | Oakville |
| Summit Housing & Outreach Programs, Case Management Supports | Halton Region |
| Summit Housing & Outreach Programs, Housing & Homelessness Supports | Halton Region |
 | Support House, Housing Services | Oakville |
 | Support House, Centre for Innovation in Peer Support | Oakville |
 | Support House, Supportive Housing | Oakville |
 | Support House, Community Health Centre Mobile Health Team | Oakville |
 | Talk4Healing, Telephone Helpline and On-line Chat Counselling Services | Thunder Bay |
 | Talking for Change | Ontario |
 | Trans Lifeline | |
 | Unsinkable, Mental Health Support and Awareness | Toronto |
 | Unsinkable, Unsinkable Youth | Oakville |
 | We Matter, Indigenous Youth Support | British Columbia |
 | Wellbeings Pain Management and Dependency Clinic | Burlington |
 | WES For Youth Online, E-Counselling Mental Health Support Services | Brockton |
 | William Osler Health System, Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness | Brampton |
 | Women's Centre of Halton (The), Women's Support Services | Oakville |
 | Women's Centre of Halton (The), One-on-One Support Services | Oakville |
 | Women's College Hospital, Substance Use Service | Toronto |
 | Women's College Hospital, Reproductive Life Stages Program | Toronto |
 | Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services | Burlington |
 | Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Woodview Learning Centre | Burlington |
 | YMCA of Hamilton / Burlington / Brantford, Halton Region Youth in Transition Worker Program | Burlington |
 | YMCA of Hamilton / Burlington / Brantford, Burlington - Ron Edwards Family YMCA, Y Mind | Burlington |
 | YMCA of Hamilton / Burlington / Brantford, Multiple Locations, Be Wise | Halton Region |
 | YMCA of Oakville, Mental Wellness Programs | Oakville |
 | YMCA of Oakville, Positive Health Management Programs | Oakville |
 | York House, Acton | Acton |