Important Announcement...

Volunteer Halton is transitioning to a new volunteer posting platform - VOLUNTEERCONNECTOR.  This platform will be disabled effective June 30, 2024.

For organizations:  go to VOLUNTEERCONNECTOR and create your new organizational profile.  It's free! Here is a video to walk you through creating your organizational profile and all the features of VolunteerConnector: Video: An Overview of Organization Signup & Features | Volunteer Connector.

For volunteer-seekers: go to VOLUNTEERCONNECTOR to search for opportunities in community.  Enter the first three digits of your postal code to see opportunities within a 50km radius of your location! You can also create a PROFILE to see more personalized results as you look for ways to connect and give back to your community.


Error: The record you requested exists in the database, but access to it has been restricted from this area. This record may be incomplete or waiting to be updated, the program or service may no longer be offered, or the type of service may have changed making it no longer appropriate for the record to be listed here.

If you have questions or concerns about the status of this record, contact the record owner: Community Development Halton, Volunteer Halton

  • By Mail at:
    The Roxy Centre 
    6 Mill St E 
    Acton, ON L7J 1G8
  • By Phone at: 905-632-1975
  • By Email at: