[ Browse by Service Category : Target Populations : Sub-Topics of Religious Groups/Communities (21) ]

Christian Community

Any of a group of religious faiths that are based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as described in the New Testament of the Bible.

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Hindu Community

Followers of the religious philosophy that originated on the Indian subcontinent which is marked by an outlook that views all forms and theories as aspects of one eternal being and truth; a belief in ahimsa, karma, dharma, samsara and moksha; and the practice of the way of works, the way of knowledge and the way of devotion as the means of release from the rounds of rebirths.

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Muslim Community

Followers of Islam, the religious faith and cultural system that is based on the belief in Allah as the sole deity, in Muhammad as the prophet of Allah and in the Koran as the revelation of Allah to Muhammad and the divinely authorized basis for the religious, social, civil, commercial and legal regulations of the Islamic world.

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Sikh Community

Followers of the monotheistic religion founded in the Punjabi region of India by a Hindu under Islamic influence which is characterized by its worship of one deity, its rejection of caste and idolatry, its allegiance to sacred scriptures and its witness to a line of 10 personal gurus who served as personal exemplars and temporal as well as spiritual leaders in the Sikh community between 1500 and 1708.

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