[ Browse by Service Category : Leisure Activities/Recreation : Sub-Topics of Parks/Recreation Areas (107) ]
Programs that develop, maintain and make available to the public facilities for cooperative group living experiences in the out-of-doors; and which offer a wide range of activities under the supervision of trained leadership for children, youth, adults and special groups of all ages which include campcraft, cookouts, nature lore and conservation, and a wide range of indoor and outdoor recreational, athletic and group social activities.
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Nature Centres/Walks
Programs that offer guided or self-guided walks or drives through parks, beach areas, wildlife preserves and other natural settings to acquaint participants with particular aspects of their environment and to increase their understanding of and appreciation for ecological balance.
Public Parks
Tracts of land that are acquired and maintained by governmental entities and made available to the public as places of beauty or for recreation.
Recreational Clubs
Private organizations that develop, maintain and make available to their members acreage and facilities for one or a variety of recreational activities, sports and games. Most recreational clubs have a clubhouse with dining and bar services; offer the instructional and coaching services of professional athletes in the targeted sport or recreational activity; and offer an array of social activities for members.
Recreational Facilities
Programs that develop, maintain and make available to the public, acreage and facilities for a broad range of recreational activities, sports and games; and/or urban open spaces where people can gather to eat lunch, socialize and enjoy being outdoors.
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Spectator Sports Facilities
Programs that develop, maintain and make available to the public, indoor or outdoor venues for high school, college and/or professional athletic events and training as well as support facilities for participants and spectators.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.