[ Browse by Service Category : Family Planning : Sub-Topics of Birth Control (7) ]
Birth Control Counselling
Programs that provide a comprehensive overview of available birth control methods including information about fertility cycles, natural family planning, contraception and sterilization, and help people evaluate their options and select the method that bests suits their needs.
Programs that prescribe and/or supply temporary devices for preventing pregnancy which may include oral contraceptives (birth control pills), hormonal injections (Depo-Provera), intrauterine devices (IUDs), the patch, the sponge, cervical caps, condoms, foam, the vaginal ring and diaphragms.
Emergency Contraception
Programs that prescribe and/or supply birth control pills which are taken within 72-120 hours of having sexual intercourse to prevent an unintended pregnancy. Emergency contraception may be provided in the form of Plan B (2 pills), a large dose of regular birth control pills (two or four pills twice during a 12 hour period) or through insertion of a copper IUD.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.