[ Browse by Service Category : Health Supportive Services : Sub-Topics of Assistive Technology Equipment (18) ]
Cognitive/Learning Aids
Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products such as reminder systems, prompting aids and problem solving aids which facilitate the functioning of individuals who have Alzheimer's disease or other conditions which impair memory and other cognitive abilities. "Cognitive" is a term that describes the processes people use for remembering, reasoning, understanding and using judgment.
Computer Access Aids
Programs that pay for or provide hardware and software products that enable individuals with disabilities to access, interact with and use computers at home, at work or in school. Access aids include scanners partnered with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software which converts handwritten or printed text to an electronic document that can be read by a screen reader; Braille translation software combined with Braille printers for translating text to Braille cells; keyboards driven by a head pointer, mouth stick, Sip-and-Puff, Joystick or eye-gaze tracking systems; large monitors; text-to-speech software which allows users to hear what is written in print; speech recognition software to convert a use's spoken words to printed text; screen magnification software for zoom capabilities; and smart home technology software which controls the home environment (turning lights or the on/off or unlocking doors through a mobile device or voice command).
Daily Living Aids
Programs that pay for or provide equipment that has been especially designed or adapted to assist people who have physical disabilities to bathe, shave, dress, brush their teeth, comb their hair, prepare their meals, eat, drink, clean their homes and perform other daily tasks.
Hearing Augmentation Aids
Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the residual hearing of people who have hearing impairments or which provide alternative methods of communication for people who have no residual hearing.
Mobility Aids
Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the ability of people who have physical or visual impairments to move about with greater comfort and ease.
Programs that pay for or provide internal devices (such as hip and knee implants) to provide stability to correct problems that currently exist there; external appliances (such as braces or splints) that improve the functioning of individuals with muscle, joint or skeletal weaknesses, deformities or injuries; products that provide mobility impaired individuals with greater body stability, trunk/head support, the ability to maintain an upright posture and reduction in pressure to the skin while seated; and/or artificial limbs or other mechanisms which replace missing extremities or other parts of the body.
Sensory Integration Equipment
Programs that pay for or provide weighted vests and blankets, lap pads, sensory toys and furniture and other "sensory diet" tools that support sensory integration therapy, build functional skills, or solve common problems for individuals with sensory processing disorders.
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Programs that pay for or provide access to TTY equipment (also known as text telephones, TDDs and telecommunication devices for the deaf), or other specialized telecommunications devices such as voice carry-over telephones, amplified telephones, telebraillers, voice-activated telephones, captioned telephone, sip-n-puff telephones or large visual displays for use at home or in the office by people who are deaf or hearing impaired, have speech disabilities or physical limitations, or need to communicate with a person with a hearing impairment or speech disability. Included are programs that pay for or loan such equipment to people with disabilities or organizations serving them, or which operate sites where such equipment is available for use by the public.
Speech Aids
Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the ability of people who are nonvocal or have speech impairments to communicate.
Visual/Reading Aids
Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the ability of people who have visual impairments or other disabilities to see and/or read; or which make television programs, feature films, home videos and other visual media accessible by providing a descriptive narration of key visual elements in these programs.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.