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Pediatric Evaluation
Programs that specialize in providing health screening and diagnostic services for children from birth to young adulthood.
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Adolescent Health Transition Programs
Programs that help adolescents with chronic diseases or disabilities make a successful transition to adult health care providers. There is usually a period of co-management during which a child is seen by pediatric specialists and adult providers; and an adult care plan is generally developed by the team to document current diagnoses and therapies, and lay out guidelines for the frequency of medical visits to specialists and primary care providers, the role of each adult provider in the overall care plan, and the frequency of lab studies and other clinical evaluations.
Children's Hospitals
Health care facilities staffed by physicians, nurses and support staff with training in pediatrics that provide specialized care in an inpatient setting for infants, children and adolescents who are ill or injured.
Children's Medical Day Care
Child care programs that provide skilled nursing, respiratory care, tracheotomy and feeding tube care, rehabilitation therapies (occupational, physical, speech), medication administration, medical monitoring and other specialized services as well as opportunities for social interaction for medically fragile and technology dependent children (e.g., those who rely on a ventilator) whose needs cannot be met in a traditional child care setting. The programs are generally staffed by nurses, nurses aides and others with experience in caring for children with chronic medical conditions. Care may be provided in a variety of settings including a child care centre, a health care facility, a family child care home or the child's own home.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.