[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Inpatient Health Facilities (9) ]
Health Facility Licensing
Programs that establish and enforce health, safety and program standards for health care and mental health facilities, review applications for licences, issue or deny licences, inspect facilities for compliance with requirements and revoke licences or bring disciplinary action for noncompliance. Included are programs that provide licensing for general acute care hospitals, acute psychiatric hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, home health agencies, personal care agencies, hospice facilities, employer/employee clinics, rehabilitation clinics, community clinics, surgical clinics, and chronic dialysis clinics.
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Hospital-based programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have acute psychiatric disorders, who require hospitalization on a voluntary or involuntary basis for maximum benefit, and who might be a threat to themselves, to their families or to others if left in the community or placed in a less restrictive treatment setting. The objective of inpatient mental health programs is to stabilize and then return the individual to the community for ongoing treatment as quickly as possible, and to facilitate the transition by preparing the individual's family to cope with the limitations imposed by the illness and by arranging for other supportive services as required. Included are psychiatric hospitals and health care hospitals that have psychiatric units.
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Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Health care facilities that provide structured treatment programs and support services in the context of a 24-hour, supervised environment for individuals who have problems related to excessive use of alcohol and/or use of other drugs. Included are hospitals that are totally devoted to treatment for substance use disorders and programs within general inpatient health care facilities.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.