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Court Accompaniment for Offenders
Programs that provide support for people who have been charged with an offence by having a staff member or volunteer attend with them when they appear in court.
Crime Victim Support
Programs whose objective is to help victims of crimes and their families recover from the trauma of their experience, get medical assistance when required, make their way through the legal system, have an opportunity to provide input to parole or clemency hearings, take appropriate steps, where relevant, to avoid becoming re-victimized, access the benefits to which they are entitled and rebuild their lives.
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Crime Witness Support
Programs that provide a variety of supportive services for people who have witnessed a crime which may include crisis counselling, shelter away from their homes, escort services, transportation, child care, financial assistance, protective services, information about the mechanics of court proceedings and/or advice and guidance concerning court appearances. Some programs focus specifically on child witnesses and help to prepare them for what they will experience in the courtroom.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.