This listing gives an overview of where to find non-emergency transportation, including wheelchair and stretcher transportation, to medical appointments REGULAR AND/OR WHEELCHAIR-ACCESSIBLE VEHICLES: For a list of taxi services serving Halton, see here For a list of transit and bus services serving Halton, see here Some commercial homemaker assistance agencies transport to medical appointments, see list here
- contact individually regarding types of vehicles available
- fee for use
Canadian Cancer Society, Driving Program Toll free 1-888-939-3333, Email
- connects people who need transportation to approved cancer treatment facilities with volunteer drivers
- fee for use
- for more information see website
Canadian Red Cross, Burlington Branch Toll free 1-844-843-7331, Email
- provides transportation in Red Cross or volunteers' private vehicles to and from medical appointments, treatments and rehabilitative therapy
- fee for use
- for more information see separate listing here
Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills Tel 905-702-8886, Email
- provides transportation for cancer patients to and from treatment centres in Toronto, Hamilton, Mississauga and Brampton
- free, but donations are appreciated
- for more information see separate listing here
CANES Community Care, Ride Connect Toll free 1-877-743-3025, Email
- provides transportation for seniors and clients with disabilities to and from medical appointments
- fee for use
- for more information see separate listing here
Mobility Medical Transportation Tel 905-617-3737, Email
- Provides transportation for individuals who are physically or cognitively disabled
- fee for use
- for more information see separate listing here
Non Urgent Patient Transport (NUPT) Tel 647-649-8264, Email
- provides wheelchair and stretcher ground and air transportation
- fee for use
- for more information see website
Rapid City Transportation Toll free 1-888-202-3923, E-mail
- provides door-to-door transportation for individuals requiring special care
- fee for use
- for more information see website
RNR Patient Transfer Services Toll free 1-866-567-1001
- provides wheelchair, bariatric, stretcher or pediatric transfer
- fee for use
- for more information see website
Spectrum Seniors for Seniors Toll free 1-844-422-7399
- provides driver companions in their personal vehicles to transport older adults to and from medical appointments
- fee for use
- for more information see separate listing here
Total Care Transport Services Inc Tel 905-878-1170, Toll free 1-888-720-7256, Email
- provides wheelchair and stretcher transportation
- fee for use
- for more information see separate listing here
Voyago Toll free 1-855-263-7163
- provides wheelchair and stretcher transportation
- fee for use
- for more information see website
STRETCHER TRANSPORTATION (non-emergency ambulance)
MedEvac Canada Tel 416-704-2353, Email
- provides ground and air patient transfer service
- fee for use
- for more information see separate listing here
Non Urgent Patient Transport (NUPT) Tel 647-649-8264, Email
- provides wheelchair and stretcher ground and air transportation
- fee for use
- for more information see website
RNR Patient Transfer Services Toll free 1-866-567-1001
- provides wheelchair, bariatric, stretcher or pediatric transfer
- fee for use
- for more information see website
Total Care Transport Services Inc Tel 905-878-1170, Toll free 1-888-720-7256, Email
- provides wheelchair and stretcher transportation
- fee for use
- for more information see separate listing here
Voyago Toll free 1-855-263-7163
- provides wheelchair and stretcher transportation
- fee for use
- for more information see website
Wheelchair in Motion Toll free 1-888-776-1102, Email
- provides accessible vans for rental
- fee for use
- for more information see separate listing here